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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Make A List of Everyone In Your Family Tree

Ancestry simply has no such feature. I did, however find a handy work-around that will accomplish this for you. This would really only work within an actual browser, not through the Ancestry App so you may want to do this on a laptop or computer.

From within your tree, click the tree name in the upper left hand corner, just under the Ancestry logo and choose "Tree Overview". On the next screen in the right hand column, under "Summary" click on "People" which will load your entire list of people. First, scroll all the way to the bottom and change "People per page" in the dropdown menu to "100", if it isn't already. 

Then, scroll back to the top and left click just before the "Name" title at the upper left hand side of the screen and hold it while you scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the list of names. You may have to practice this a couple of times, but once you do it a few times it gets easier. 

That highlights the list of names, you will want to right click anywhere that it highlighted and choose "Copy". Then, open a notebook program and "Paste" the results there. It's important to use the notebook program first before trying to paste to excel if you want to remove formatting before copying into Excel, but you can skip this step if you prefer.

Then re-copy the results from the Notebook page once you've done this for every page in your list. Open Excel and click to "Paste" the results into the first cell. Once that's done you'll be able to sort through your list, using Excel features if you're familiar with them. Also, if there are bunches of lines that just have "Name Birth Death" in them, once you've sorted your results you can delete all of those.